The New eBook From News Corpse
Fox Nation vs. Reality Volume II
The Fox News Cult of Ignorance
When Fox News debuted it was crafted from scratch to be a partisan outlet for right-wing propaganda and a platform for advancing a conservative agenda. Its Internet community web site, Fox Nation, serves as the online gathering place for Fox viewers to absorb and spread the aggregated disinformation and conspiracy theories hatched by Fox News.
Two years ago the first volume of Fox Nation vs. Reality was published revealing an Internet operation that was dedicated to fiercely partisan, right-wing distortions of the truth. Its mission was, and remains, to construct a safe haven for the broader Fox News community to reinforce their preferred fantasies and unfounded preconceptions. Since then Fox Nation has evolved into an even more sheltered environment that has taken on many characteristics of culthood.
Fox Nation vs. Reality Volume II: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance, provides an eye-opening look into the lengths that committed propagandists will go in order to fabricate an alternative political reality. And remember, Fox Nation is not some remote outpost on the Internet Superhighway. It is an integral part of Fox News whose executives are wholly responsible for the stain it produces on journalism.
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Trump Bashes the Media as ‘The Enemy’ While Being Fluffed on Fox News By Sean Hannity
It remains an enduring mystery why so many of the flock who follow Donald Trump regard him as courageous. It could not be more evident that he is a whimpering wimp who relies on volume and verbal bullying to manufacture an image of fortitude that 100% fictional. Just like the character he played on “The […]
FANTASYLAND: Fox News Lies That DOGE Savings (That Don’t Exist) Will Go Back to the People
The task of serving aspiring authoritarian, Donald Trump, as his official Ministry of Propaganda is one that Fox News has eagerly undertaken and performed devotedly for nearly a decade. It’s a sweet gig because all it requires is the willingness to invent and disseminate half-baked fiction suited for kindergartners without the bothersome need to cling […]
Trump’s Border Czar Confirms His (and Trump’s) Flaming Fascism in Fawning Fox News Interviews
Donald Trump made a multitude of promises for achievements he would accomplish on day one of his second occupation of the White House. They included lowering grocery and other consumer prices, ending Russia’s war against Ukraine, freeing all of the Gaza hostages, and repealing Obamacare. To no one’s surprise, he has miserably failed to fulfill […]
PINO TRUMP: A President-In-Name-Only Who Spends More Time on TV and Golfing than Presidenting
During Donald Trump’s first occupation of the White House, he was not known as a workaholic. To the contrary, he spent an extraordinary amount of time on extracurricular activities that had nothing to do with the duties of the office. And more often than not, he was frolicking at his own fancy resorts at taxpayer […]
Truth Social, Trump’s Pathetic Personal Propaganda Platform, Continues to Bleed Cash
In what may be the least surprising news of the year so far, Donald Trump’s flagship social media enterprise, Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG) – the parent holding company of his failing Twitter ripoff, Truth Social – released its annual report on Friday that revealed just how big a failure it is. Click here […]
JD Vance Goes to Germany to Bad Mouth America and Lie About Trump’s Propaganda Campaigns
For 60 years the annual Munich Security Conference has brought together representatives from around the world to engage in diplomatic discussions under the theme of “peace through dialogue.” The meetings promote amicable relations between participating nations and the resolution of conflicts. Which makes this year’s conference especially significant considering the state of the world today. […]
Trump is APPALLED at the ‘Large Scale Social Deception’ that His Own Administration Paid For
Donald Trump is notoriously fond of castigating his perceived enemies for offenses that he himself is responsible for. Every time he has falsely accused President Biden of committing crimes, it has been to deflect from his own documented criminality, including 34 felony convictions. Every time he has railed at Democrats for cheating, or attacked liberals […]
The Media Must Boycott Trump’s Phony Press Conferences Until He Stops Censoring Journalists
There have been a disturbing amount of firsts achieved by Donald Trump as he commences his second occupation of the White House. None of which would foster pride in any honorable man or woman. They include his being the first president convicted of felonies; the first adjudicated as a rapist; the first barred from running […]
LOLOL: Fox News Lists ‘The Big Moves that Trump Has Made that Will Impact Your Everyday Life’
You really have to hand it to Fox News. When they aren’t serving dutifully as Donald Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda, they are providing a valuable public service by keeping their viewers informed about the critical issues that matter most to them during these trying times. Click here to post this article on Twitter or Click […]
Fox News Hack Tells ‘Legacy Media’ to ‘Simply Repeat, Retweet’ Whatever Dear Leader Trump Says
Is there anyone left in America who is not convinced that Fox News is a shameless disseminator of disinformation in the service of Donald Trump and his ultra right-wing MAGA cult? If so, the network itself has helpfully provided an argument that ought to seal the deal. Click here to post this article on Twitter […]
The Trump Regime Wants to Abolish Judicial Review and the Constitution’s Separation of Powers
The reprise of Donald Trump’s occupation of the White House is extraordinarily significant from a historical perspective. Setting aside his appallingly apparent lust for authoritarian power (which we shouldn’t do), he has achieved a few firsts that the American people must not diminish or forget. Click here to post this article on Twitter or Click […]
Who Should Fill Andrea Mitchell’s Now Vacant Slot on MSNBC? Jim Acosta? Mehdi Hasan? Or…
MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell hosted the last episode of her program on Friday. Her departure was announced last October in a statement that indicated her interest in doing “more of what I love the most: more connecting, listening and reporting in the field.” Click here to post this article on Twitter or Click here to […]
Trump is Busy Doing the People’s Work: Pushing for Plastic Straws and Firing Journalists?
It’s good to know that Donald Trump isn’t just playing golf, proposing hostile takeovers of U.S. allies (Canada, Mexico, Greenland, etc.), nominating unqualified and anti-American Cabinet secretaries, terminating career prosecutors and FBI agents, and masterminding fascist coups of government agencies in order to sabotage their work. Click here to post this article on Twitter or […]
By Trump’s Deranged Logic the U.S. Should Takeover Israel and Relocate All of its Residents
The Decline of Western Civilization is accelerating apace as Donald Trump continues to roll out his neo-fascist, Project 2025 agenda with the cowardly compliance of Republicans in Congress and the MAGA-friendly media. In less than three weeks he has presided over a federal spending freeze that devastates critical services, the gutting of law enforcement personal […]
Trump’s Nepo-Baby-In-Law, Lara Trump, Hired to Host Primetime Trump-Fluffing Hour on Fox News
Now that the 2024 election is in the books, and Donald Trump has returned to pretending he’s president, while actually golfing and grifting from his Mar-a-Lago bunker, members of his family cult are resuming their compulsory posts as purveyors of pseudo-populist propaganda. Click here to post this article on Twitter or Click here to post […]
Trump Wants to Run America Like his Businesses – Trump Media and Crypto – That are Crashing
From the outset of his political misadventures, Donald Trump has sought to portray himself as an uncommonly successful businessman whose brilliance would benefit the nation that he promises to run just like he does his own businesses. However, when examining the real world record of Trump’s business management, that sounds less like a promise, and […]
Rupert Murdoch Slinks Into the Oval Office to Take His Punishment for Criticizing Trump
Cataloguing the crimes that Donald Trump has committed against the nation (and the world) in the short time since his reoccupation of the White House is already a mammoth operation that will require a team of dedicated documentarians. His assault on the most basic principles of democracy and respect for the law should worry every […]
Trump is a Terrorist at War with the US Government, and the American People are His Hostages
The battle for the soul of America has commenced a mere two weeks after Donald Trump was inaugurated for his second occupation of the White House. And the attacks orchestrated by Trump and his MAGA minions are landing like cluster bombs, destroying everything in the vicinity and blowing up innocent people who are only trying […]
Trump Kicks Reporters Out of Pentagon Offices, Replaces Them with MAGA Media Mouthpieces
One thing you can say about Donald Trump is that he is working furiously to assure his place in American history as the nation’s first tyrannical despot. No American leader has ever been more hostile to the U.S. Constitution and its democratic principles, or more determined to destroy it. Click here to post this article […]
Trump’s Press Secretary Stumped When Asked If It’s Safe to Fly – By Peter Doocy of Fox News
Within hours of the news that an American Airlines jet had collided with a military Blackhawk helicopter and crashed, killing everyone aboard both aircraft, Donald Trump had already drawn his conclusions as to the cause. He surmised that the cause of the tragedy was hiring practices that promoted diversity, equity, and Inclusion (DEI). He followed […]