Fox Nation vs. Reality: Buying The Buffett Rule

C’mon guys, you’re making this way too easy for me.

This morning Fox Nation posted an item with the headline, “Poll: Americans Not Buying Buffett Rule.” That seems straightforward enough. The poll ought to simply show that a majority of respondents do not believe that raising taxes on millionaires will do any good. And since they are relying on the results of a poll conducted by Fox News, they should be able to support whatever preconceived myth they want to invent. But notice the very first paragraph of the story:

Fox Nation Buffett Rule

That’s right – the poll by Fox News itself says that “more voters think raising taxes on wealthy Americans will help rather than hurt the economy.” And the margin (16%) isn’t even close. Yet the Fox Nationalists paste a headline atop the article that is outright, diametrically opposed to the truth.

What’s next? A story about ObamaCare saving thousands of lives with a headline that says “ObamaCare Killing Patients In Droves.” Or maybe an article about the end of the Afghan war titled “Army Escalates Actions In Afghanistan.” And I can see the headline on election night if Obama is reelected: “Romney Wins!”

Are these people even trying anymore? Has it really come down to Fox just posting the headline they’d like to see above any random story, even if it says the complete opposite? They must really think their readers are idiots. And since they must know their audience better than anyone else, I will defer to their assessment.

BEWARE: Glenn Beck’s Web Site TheBlaze Hosts Computer Virus

Anyone foolish enough to visit a web site run by Glenn Beck now has something additional to worry about. Norton’s Internet Security software is warning that Beck’s TheBlaze “news” site is host to a computer virus that it describes as “a serious security threat.” Perhaps this is related to the threat that Beck has been warning us about for years that he calls “The Perfect Storm.”

Glenn Beck Perfect Storm

The Perfect Storm is so dangerous and imminent that Beck has declared its arrival on at least a dozen occasions over the last four years. The last time being the Arab Spring uprisings in the Middle East last year. This new threat may not be exactly what Beck had in mind, but it is worthy of attention and he will certainly find some nefarious excuse for it that probably implicates Van Jones or George Soros. In any case, here is the alert that Norton generated for TheBlaze:

Glenn Beck Blaze Virus

And here is some information from Norton about this virus:

Fake App Attack: Fake AV Redirect 21
Misleading applications such as fake antivirus scanners (Trojan.FakeAV) or bogus disk defragmenters (UltraDefraggerFraud) are designed to mislead users into thinking that their computer has serious problems that must be fixed by paying for a license of the software.

How ironic that Beck’s site is infected by a virus that is “designed to mislead,” and requires payment to fix. That sounds like a fairly accurate description of Beck’s entire media operation whose purpose is to disseminate delusional conspiracy theories for which his followers must pay if they hope to be enlightened by Beck’s Apocalyptic dementia. For years he has been preaching that “serious problems” are threatening to throw the world into darkness and the only hope is his sage advice to hoard food, buy gold, and arm yourself to the teeth.

Sometimes these virus alerts are in error or caused by harmless applications that appear to be malicious. However, if you have been to TheBlaze recently it would be a good idea to run a virus scan just to make sure that your computer is safe. After that, it would be a good idea steer clear of Beck’s web sites just to be sure that your brain is safe.

Fox News Incites Race Riots: Creates Trayvon Martin Controversy From Unrelated Crime

Despite the seemingly constant stream of racist propaganda and rhetoric emanating from Fox News, they still manage to exceed their own repulsive standards with ever more dishonest and hateful distortions of the news. After publishing stories that blame Trayvon Martin’s demise on his clothing, and pictures that deliberately seek to put Trayvon in a negative light, Fox has rocketed to new heights of blatant prejudice and painfully perverse journalism.

In Mobile, Alabama, a white man was hospitalized from a beating by a group of African-Americans after a dispute over the use of the street for a game of basketball. The assault was inexcusably brutal and the police are searching for suspects who deserve to be punished to the full extent of the law. But that would not be a sufficiently sensational reaction for the twisted editors at Fox News. They published their stories on Fox News and Fox Nation this way:

Fox News Trayvon Mob

The facts of this crime are fairly clear. It was an extreme overreaction to a neighborhood argument that concerned only the parties involved. It had absolutely nothing to do with the incident in Florida last month where an unarmed teenager was shot to death while walking home from the market. The only connecting factor was the claim by the victim’s sister that she heard one person say “Now that’s justice for Trayvon.” There have been no other witnesses who have corroborated her account, but even if there were the only significance of it would be that one of the perpetrators was a jerk in addition to being a thug.

That’s not how Fox News sees it. Their headline at Fox Nation veritably declares that the hoodlums who committed the assault were a “Justice for Trayvon Mob,” as if it were a political statement emanating from the Florida incident. Nothing in the facts of this crime point to that in even the most remote sense. The headline on Fox News itself states matter-of-factly that the “mob invoked Trayvon.” However there is only one unconfirmed report that a single witness alleged that a single person brought Trayvon’s name into this. That hardly justifies associating the whole mob’s actions with Trayvon. Fox’s headline also implies that this should be designated a hate crime despite any evidence of that being the case.

The entire purpose of these overt distortions is to fuel racial animus directed at Trayvon Martin specifically, and to African-Americans generally. There is a stench of incitement in Fox’s words that suggest their desire to stir up other racially motivated crimes or even full-on race riots. It is horribly irresponsible for a so-called news enterprise to sink to these depths of cynicism and antagonism.

From the very beginning of the Trayvon Martin incident, Fox News has tried to advance the impression that African-Americans are animals on the verge of erupting into violence. Fox has suggested that riots would occur if George Zimmerman were not arrested, or if he were not convicted. The view at Fox is that African-Americans are incapable of respecting the progress of justice. And even when no riots ensue, Fox can sit back smugly and celebrate having created the impression that civil unrest was narrowly averted.

It’s a good thing that African-Americans (and most Americans in general) are far more civilized than the bigoted neanderthals at Fox. These brazen tactics are designed to manufacture potentially dangerous hostilities and are more at home in the quarters of Klans and racist militias. How Fox News gets away with this is unfathomable. Their audience should find it revolting and their peers in the press should speak out against this sort of noxious activism. Although it is unlikely to succeed, it certainly can’t help. This isn’t news, it’s hate speech.

Fox News Distorts WikiLeaks Data To Advance Phony Voter Fraud Claims

Republicans have lately been busy pushing a manufactured fallacy that there is rampant, in-person voter fraud destroying fair elections across America. Of course, they haven’t put forth any evidence of it, but they are pushing nonetheless. They held a hearing in the House last week that was brimming with emptiness and misinformation. And they have retained their personal PR machine – aka Fox News – in the effort.

Now, just when you thought that the GOP/Fox News racket was already so far gone that reality for them was a distant memory, they dispatch their inbred cousins at Fox Nation to dispense a story that is rooted in nothing but a frantic illusion.

Fox Nation

Let’s set aside the irony that Fox is now fronting for allegations emanating from Wikileaks, an enterprise they have previously discounted as disreputable and even traitorous. More troubling is that they have utterly misunderstood the data Wikileaks has released. The data at issue is emails that were acquired through the hacking of the secretive, private intelligence firm Stratfor. In particular there was an email from one Stratfor executive to another that Fox is alleging reveals vote tampering on the part of Democrats in the 2008 election. However, that is not what the email says:

“The black Dems were caught stuffing the ballot boxes in Philly and Ohio as reported the night of the election and Sen. McCain chose not to fight. The matter is not dead inside the party. It now becomes a matter of sequence now as to how and when to ‘out.'”

Clearly the email states the alleged tampering was “reported the night of the election.” So that is not the revelation. If anything is considered newsworthy here it is whether the McCain camp chose to make an issue of news that was already known. But even that is dubious in that there are no reports I can find of any vote tampering in Ohio or Philadelphia post-2008 at all. So this may just be some wild speculation between a couple of private, right-wing spooks upset that their guy lost. It is certainly not evidence of anything by any stretch of the imagination. Where are the “black dems” who were supposedly caught? None of that, however, stopped the Fox Nationalists from publishing the questioning headline above at the top of their web site.

To compound the fabricated propaganda, Fox also posted a story alleging “Massive Voter Fraud Uncovered in Virginia.” And once again, the story was a phony piece of hyper-sensationalized nonsense. Fox was attempting to portray the news as proof of voter fraud that would justify enacting discriminatory voter ID laws. Had any of Fox Nation’s glassy-eyed readers bothered to click through the deceitful headline to the source article, they would have read this:

“The majority of cases reviewed by The Times-Dispatch that resulted in arrests in central Virginia involved felons who either illegally registered to vote or who illegally voted in the general election, or both. Felons cannot vote in Virginia unless their rights are restored by the governor.

None of the cases appeared to involve someone who misrepresented his or her identity at the polls to vote.

That’s right, none of the cases would have been prevented had there been strict requirements for photo IDs that disenfranchise thousands of legitimate voters. The article explains that prospective voters were told by registration collectors that their felony status would not impair their voting privileges. So this appears not to be a case of voter fraud at all, but a case of registration errors wherein the voter was doing what they believed to be proper. The person registering the voter may be guilty of something if they made knowing misrepresentations to the registrant. But in either case, the proposed voter ID laws would not have prevented any ineligible votes because the voter would have presented their own ID and would have been permitted to cast a ballot.

Laws already exist that address the legal conduct of voting registration agents and, as this case demonstrates, they are being enforced. There are also procedures in place to purge ineligible voters from voting rolls (i.e. felons), and they can be enhanced by new technologies to become more accurate and efficient.

This is another example of an allegation of massive voter fraud that failed to verify any such claim. This embarrassing dishonesty follows a special report on Fox News this weekend titled ‘Fox News Reporting: Stealing Your Vote.” As an analysis by Media Matters shows, there were no certified incidents in the entire hour long program of any votes being stolen that could have been prevented by new voter ID laws.

For a problem that Fox and Republicans are trying so hard to build into a nationwide crisis, they are having an awfully difficult time of coming up with even a sliver of evidence. And of course the reason is that there is none. Their only aim is to hype the phony controversy so that they can get laws passed that will prevent thousands of mostly Democratic voters from being able to exercise their right to vote. This is a despicable campaign by a political party and their media accomplice to subvert democracy and dishonestly gain control of government that they otherwise cannot win fairly.

Fox Goggles: Headlines You Won’t See On Fox News

Today News Corpse is premiering a new feature called Fox Goggles. It will feature newsworthy stories that are reported elsewhere in the press but ignored by Fox News. These will usually be stories that are either favorable to liberals or not sufficiently disparaging to them. You know, the sort of information that Fox editors and viewers are afraid face head on. And as a consequence of their fear and bias their vision is impaired as if attempting to see through lenses that distort reality.

In this inaugural edition there are three stories that ought to be of interest to news consumers, but that are in Fox’s prodigious blind spot. First, while Fox trumpets loudly every downtick in Obama’s popularity, they almost never report when his numbers rise. Today Gallup’s tracking polls show both that Obama’s favorability has cracked 50%…

Obama Approval

…and that he is leading in the first of their surveys of the general election matchup with Mitt Romney:


Also on Fox’s radar is the run-up in gas prices. For many weeks this year Fox has closely monitored this critical indicator of economic and electoral well-being. They have declared that it may be the primary factor in determining whether Obama is reelected. That is, until the numbers started turning positive for Obama. In that past three weeks gas prices have dropped more than 2%:

Gas Price Chart

None of these stories have made it through Fox’s filter yet today. They are very closely guarding their audience to insure that they never get any information that might allow them to make informed decisions on their own. News Corpse will continue to report on these matters as the campaign season unfolds. Until then, strap on your Fox Goggles, it’s going to be a biased ride.

Glenn Beck Off The Air In Los Angeles And Dallas

Glenn Beck’s radio presence continues to shrink. As of today he is off the air in Los Angeles, the second biggest market in the country. KRLA 870AM bounced the schlock-jock in favor of Heidi Harris as they transition the channel to their new “The Answer” format. Since they didn’t provide the question, I’ll presume that it is: On what station is Glenn Beck’s conspiratorial, Messianic delusions too extreme even on a lineup of far-right blowhards?

A couple of weeks ago Beck was booted from KLIF in Dallas. That must have been a particularly sensitive ouster since Beck just moved to a suburb in the area and now does not have an affiliate in his new home town where he has also based all of his other Internet and business operations.

Add to this news that Beck lost his New York affiliate a few months ago so he now has no stations in three of the biggest markets in the country. And this is on top of his dropping from 3rd to 9th in the annual Heavy Hundred ranking from Talkers Magazine. Pretty soon you’ll only see him introducing Ted Nugent at county fairs and backyard Tea Parties. Anybody feel sorry for him yet?

Knox Scratched Loser: Army Base Cancels Ted Nugent Appearance

The army base at Fort Knox announced today that they will not permit Ted Nugent to play at a scheduled concert there with fellow 70’s rockers REO Speedwagon and Styx. They posted the announcement on their Facebook page saying…

“After learning of opening act Ted Nugent’s recent public comments about the president of the United States, Fort Knox leadership decided to cancel his performance on the installation.”

That seems to be a fairly responsible course of action. It would be unseemly, to say the least, to sanction the appearance on base of someone who casually refers to the Commander-in-Chief as a vile, America-hating, criminal. Nugent told an audience at the recent convention of the National Rifle Association that he would be either “dead or in jail” by this time next year if Obama is re-elected. Without meaning to, Nugent gave the American people another good reason to vote for Obama.

I’m still amazed that the pseudo-patriots of the right can get so incensed by the Dixie Chicks saying merely that they were ashamed to be from the same state as Bush, but those same patriopathic zealots applaud far more derogatory language by nutcases like Nugent.

Bill O’Reilly Is A Nazi Who Secretly Adores Adolf Hitler

Grab yourself a large, economy size bottle of Pepto-Bismal and listen to this:

If O’Reilly can say that Robert Reich is a communist who adores Marx, then I can say that O’Reilly is a Nazi (or a racist, or a pedophile) who adores Hitler (or Manson, or Satan). The funny (or sad) part of this is that there is more evidence to affirm my sarcastic statement than O’Reilly’s earnest one.

The truth is that O’Reilly is a disgusting, hyperbolic, dishonest purveyor of lies and slander (or a scumbag fuckwad). And Lou Dobbs aint much better.

The Lies Told By GOP Proponents Of Discriminatory Voter ID Laws

The Constitution Subcommittee of the House Committee on the Judiciary held a hearing this week that illustrated just how far from reality the advocates of photo IDs, and other methods of suppressing votes, will go to peddle their phony message that voter fraud is rampant in America and must be stopped by enacting legislation that disenfranchises legitimate voters.

The first indication that these hearings were an outright sham was the inclusion of a video by the notoriously dishonest crockumentary maker, James O’Keefe. O’Keefe is best known for producing videos that have been deliberately edited to give false impressions that advance his political agenda. His antics include plying teachers with alcohol in order to embarrass them, and attempting to seduce a CNN reporter aboard his “Love Boat.”
James O'Keefe CBNHe is presently on probation for crimes committed in the federal offices of a United States senator where he unlawfully impersonated a telephone repairman. (And, according to a recent appearance on the Christian Broadcast Network, he is now officially the Breitbart videographer, a role the late Andrew Breitbart had never permitted).

The Republican led congress has tarnished its own reputation in many ways in the last couple of years, but never more pathetically than by giving this cretin a platform and vouching for his credibility. As has been proven previously, the O’Keefe video presented at the hearing proved nothing other than that O’Keefe is a recidivist lawbreaker.

Adding to the perception of the hearing being a sham is the fact that the GOP committee chair, Lamar Smith, would allow only one witness to rebut the three conservative partisans that Smith invited to testify – two of whom represented the Republican National Lawyers Association (RNLA), an organization dedicated to advancing the myth of widespread voter fraud. Their web site features a page with a list of alleged offenses, however the vast majority are not voter fraud at all, but other violations concerning registration or precinct errors. The few instances that deal with actual voter fraud are mostly involving absentee ballots or other issues on which the proposed voter ID laws would have no effect. As might be expected, their testimony was predictably slanted in favor of legislation that puts unnecessary and ineffective obstacles in the way of citizens casting votes.

Smith’s opening statement was a perfect example of the lengths that conservatives will go to misrepresent the facts on this issue. He begins by making the tired argument that since photo IDs are required “to open a bank account, cash a check, drive a car, or board a plane […] then why is it not required to exercise one of our most valuable democratic rights?” The answer is, of course, because voting is a valuable democratic right enshrined in the constitution, unlike the other examples cited by Smith. Access to voting should be expanded, not inhibited.

Smith goes on to suggest that voter fraud is a serious problem because polls show that Americans think it is. Setting aside that Smith referenced a poll by the right-wing pollster Rasmussen, the evidence of voter fraud is not validated by people’s perceptions. It can actually be studied and verified. And the studies show that voter fraud is extremely rare and neither Smith nor anyone else on the GOP side has bothered to rebut those facts. So they pivot to the question of whether the proposed laws are discriminatory. On that issue Smith criticizes Justice Department efforts to ensure equal access to voting. In an example utilizing the state of South Carolina, where voting rights were found to be discriminatory and is required to “pre-clear” any changes to their voting laws, Smith said…

The Department claims that the laws are discriminatory because minorities are less likely to have the required IDs. But a closer look at the Department’s math shows that their arguments simply don’t add up.

For example, in South Carolina, 90% of blacks have photo IDs compared with 92% of whites. So the Justice Department seeks to override a state law because of a difference of less than 2%.

OK then, let’s help Lamar do the math. South Carolina has about 4.6 million residents, approximately 28% of whom are black. So if 2% of them are blocked from voting for lack of photo IDs, that means that 25,700 Americans have been deprived of their right to vote. That’s the number of disenfranchised citizens that Smith and his colleagues regard as acceptable in order to prevent nearly non-existent voter fraud. In fact, the RNLA web site found only one case of alleged voter fraud in South Carolina in ten years. And for that single incident the GOP wants block 26 thousand African-Americans from voting. But hey, it’s only 2%, so who cares?

This is indicative of the Republican obsession to steal elections by enacting laws that have the effect of prohibiting their opponents from participating. These so-called voter integrity laws are thinly disguised attacks on democracy and negatively impact students, minorities, and seniors – all constituencies that frequently vote for Democrats. These cynical and un-American initiatives must not be allowed to succeed, and the GOP must be exposed for their blatant bias and corruption.

The Fox News Audience Demonstrates Their (Non) Humanity – Again

Here we go again. The people who patronize Fox News just can’t seem to suppress their innate inhumanity. A plane crashes in Pakistan with 127 passengers that might be from anywhere, including the U.S., and this is how the Fox audience responds:

Fox News Jet Crash

The overt racism and absence of common decency is disgusting. These are people who represent themselves as pro-life and tolerant of individual sovereignty. Yet their bigotry and hatefulness always seems to come through. And there are even those who just have to turn even an unrelated tragedy into a treasonous desire for the President’s death.

Where are people like Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, who relentlessly disparage liberals as soulless and uncaring, but when remarks like these appear they have nothing to say? And these are not remarks popping up on some obscure fringe web site – this is Fox News. And this should be condemned by everyone.