Fox Goggles: Headlines You Won’t See On Fox News

Today News Corpse is premiering a new feature called Fox Goggles. It will feature newsworthy stories that are reported elsewhere in the press but ignored by Fox News. These will usually be stories that are either favorable to liberals or not sufficiently disparaging to them. You know, the sort of information that Fox editors and viewers are afraid face head on. And as a consequence of their fear and bias their vision is impaired as if attempting to see through lenses that distort reality.

In this inaugural edition there are three stories that ought to be of interest to news consumers, but that are in Fox’s prodigious blind spot. First, while Fox trumpets loudly every downtick in Obama’s popularity, they almost never report when his numbers rise. Today Gallup’s tracking polls show both that Obama’s favorability has cracked 50%…

Obama Approval

…and that he is leading in the first of their surveys of the general election matchup with Mitt Romney:


Also on Fox’s radar is the run-up in gas prices. For many weeks this year Fox has closely monitored this critical indicator of economic and electoral well-being. They have declared that it may be the primary factor in determining whether Obama is reelected. That is, until the numbers started turning positive for Obama. In that past three weeks gas prices have dropped more than 2%:

Gas Price Chart

None of these stories have made it through Fox’s filter yet today. They are very closely guarding their audience to insure that they never get any information that might allow them to make informed decisions on their own. News Corpse will continue to report on these matters as the campaign season unfolds. Until then, strap on your Fox Goggles, it’s going to be a biased ride.

Glenn Beck Off The Air In Los Angeles And Dallas

Glenn Beck’s radio presence continues to shrink. As of today he is off the air in Los Angeles, the second biggest market in the country. KRLA 870AM bounced the schlock-jock in favor of Heidi Harris as they transition the channel to their new “The Answer” format. Since they didn’t provide the question, I’ll presume that it is: On what station is Glenn Beck’s conspiratorial, Messianic delusions too extreme even on a lineup of far-right blowhards?

A couple of weeks ago Beck was booted from KLIF in Dallas. That must have been a particularly sensitive ouster since Beck just moved to a suburb in the area and now does not have an affiliate in his new home town where he has also based all of his other Internet and business operations.

Add to this news that Beck lost his New York affiliate a few months ago so he now has no stations in three of the biggest markets in the country. And this is on top of his dropping from 3rd to 9th in the annual Heavy Hundred ranking from Talkers Magazine. Pretty soon you’ll only see him introducing Ted Nugent at county fairs and backyard Tea Parties. Anybody feel sorry for him yet?