Republican PR Agency – AKA Fox News – Promotes GOP Campaign Ads

In October of 2009, then White House Communications Director, Anita Dunn, made an observation that was well known to most media watchers, but was unique and courageous for a political operative in the White House:

“The reality of it is that Fox News often operates almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party. And it is not ideological…what I think is fair to say about Fox, and the way we view it, is that it is more of a wing of the Republican Party.”

Since then Fox has labored diligently to confirm Dunn’s analysis. And lately Fox is performing their PR duties without even attempting to disguise their intentions. On the Fox Nation web site they have taken to posting Republican campaign ads with open praise and support for the message. These are just from this week:

Fox Nation GOP Ads

Celebrity Obama Crushed By Rove Ad
Karl Rove’s super PAC group American Crossroads has released a devastating new ad targeting the celebrity of Obama.

A non-profit Republican organization is poised to run $2 million worth of ads in battleground states attacking President Barack Obama for controversies involving tax payer dollars, according to the group [American Future Fund].

Devastating Ad Shreds Celebrity Obama: You’re Not Funny, Mr. President
The Republican National Committee looked to draw a contrast between Mitt Romney’s victory speech on Tuesday night, and President Obama’s appearance on “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.”

Notice the Fox Nationalist’s fetish for the word “devastating.” It seems that the GOP PR machine is incapable of producing anything that isn’t devastating. Either that or Fox is such a desperate practitioner of mind control that they have to take their dimwitted readers by the leash and instruct them on how they should react to these doggy treats. [Note: Fox Nation is no stranger to over-the-top hyperbole]

It was only a couple of weeks ago that Fox Nation attempted to get away with posting the same GOP-friendly spot twice in order to double its exposure. The second posting was labeled as “new” despite it being a repeat, demonstrating how brazenly Fox will lie to their audience in pursuit of their mission to brainwash the gullible waifs.

None of this accidental. The campaign ads posted by the Fox Nationalists are not there for any news value. They never post ads from the Obama campaign for fairness and/or balance, which a legitimate news operation would do. The sole purpose of this editorial prejudice is to advance the electoral prospects of Republican candidates, and to smear President Obama. The funny thing is, they aren’t even very good at that. Take a look at the latest ad from the Republican National Committee:

Of course, the goal of the RNC is to propel the GOP brand and, with the help of their Fox associates, take advantage of the free publicity from Fox News. But from my perspective, they have just produced an ad that reminds viewers how much cooler Obama is than their flaccid candidate. It is comforting to know that there is a GOP strategist(s) somewhere in the corridors of the RNC with a pocket-protector and taped-up spectacles who actually thinks that he is doing his side a favor with this video showing a stiff and insincere Romney, juxtaposed with a smooth Obama demonstrating his sense of humor.

So keep up the good work. And if Fox wants to continue disseminating this counterproductive flopaganda, they have my hearty consent.

Allen West’s ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ Remarks Backfire Bigtime

Yesterday on the House floor, Whackadoodle Poster Boy Allen West added to his treasure trove of inanities. The man who brought us gems like “If Joseph Goebbels was around, he’d be very proud of the Democrat Party,” and “I believe there’s about 78 to 81 members of the Democrat Party who are members of the Communist Party,” now adds this soon-to-be classic:

“President Obama seems determined to punish and wipe out economic success in this country, leveling tax weapons of mass destruction on all taxpayers.”

You have to wonder what point West is attempting to make. Does he really want to analogize alleged defects in Obama’s tax plan with weapons of mass destruction that turned out to be non-existent? That would mean that the defects West is assailing are not really there. In effect, West is making an analogy that affirms the worthiness Obama’s proposals and reminds listeners of the GOP’s deceptions. Nice work, Allen. And if that wren’t enough, West also said that…

“Although he has never served our country in uniform, or risked his life to defend its freedoms and liberties on distant shores, it seems President Obama understands a thing or two about weaponry.”

Here West is taking another opportunity to remind listeners of something that reflects worse on him than his target. Obama may not have served in the military, but he also wasn’t reprimanded, fined, and nearly discharged dishonorably for engaging in torture, as West was.

Patrick Murphy is West’s Democratic opponent for the 18th district seat in Florida. Feel free to help him out.

Fox Nation vs. Reality: Buying The Buffett Rule

C’mon guys, you’re making this way too easy for me.

This morning Fox Nation posted an item with the headline, “Poll: Americans Not Buying Buffett Rule.” That seems straightforward enough. The poll ought to simply show that a majority of respondents do not believe that raising taxes on millionaires will do any good. And since they are relying on the results of a poll conducted by Fox News, they should be able to support whatever preconceived myth they want to invent. But notice the very first paragraph of the story:

Fox Nation Buffett Rule

That’s right – the poll by Fox News itself says that “more voters think raising taxes on wealthy Americans will help rather than hurt the economy.” And the margin (16%) isn’t even close. Yet the Fox Nationalists paste a headline atop the article that is outright, diametrically opposed to the truth.

What’s next? A story about ObamaCare saving thousands of lives with a headline that says “ObamaCare Killing Patients In Droves.” Or maybe an article about the end of the Afghan war titled “Army Escalates Actions In Afghanistan.” And I can see the headline on election night if Obama is reelected: “Romney Wins!”

Are these people even trying anymore? Has it really come down to Fox just posting the headline they’d like to see above any random story, even if it says the complete opposite? They must really think their readers are idiots. And since they must know their audience better than anyone else, I will defer to their assessment.