Sean Hannity’s Great Misogynist Panel

Last week Sean Hannity welcomed to his Fox News program Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a frequent guest with whom he has a close association. Here is how Hannity introduced him:

“He’s the founder, president of the group BOND Action, Brotherhood Organization for a New Destiny, of which I’m a board member, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. I say that just for Howard Kurtz because he whines about it like a big baby every time I don’t mention it.”

It’s ironic that Hannity calls Kurtz a big baby when it’s Hannity who is whining about having to exercise the ethical practice of disclosing personal affiliations with his program’s guests. It is apparently too big a burden for Hannity to behave honestly or professionally.

However, that is not the real problem with Hannity’s “reverend” pal. It seems that Peterson recently delivered a sermon in which he demeaned women as whores and bemoaned that they were ever given the right to vote:

Peterson: “I think that one of the greatest mistakes America made was to allow women the opportunity to vote,” Peterson says. “We should’ve never turned this over to women. And these women are voting in the wrong people. They’re voting in people who are evil who agrees with them who’re gonna take us down this pathway of destruction.”

“And this probably was the reason they didn’t allow women to vote when men were men. Because men in the good old days understood the nature of the woman,” he adds. “They were not afraid to deal with it. And they understood that, you let them take over, this is what would happen.”

Peterson has a long history of misogyny, as well as some other repulsive views. For instance, he thinks it would be a good idea to bring back slavery so that blacks would learn the value of work. This is the sort of caliber of guest that Hannity not only invites to be on his “Great American Panel,” but also serves on his board.

Hannity’s other guests that evening included Indiana GOP/Tea Party senate candidate, Richard Mourdock, and Fox Democrat Kirsten Powers. Uncharacteristically, Powers actually stood up for principle by objecting to Peterson’s presence on the program. Powers blasted his hateful rhetoric and told Hannity that had she known he would be there, she might not have been. Neither Hannity, nor Mourdock, had anything to say about Peterson’s open hostility toward women.

If this is a “Great” American Panel, I’d hate to see Hannity’s idea of a crappy panel. Or maybe that is what Hannity has every night.

Allen West Joins Hate Group Advisory Board

Allen WestAllen West has already distinguished himself as a commie-phobic, Nazi-baiting extremist who engaged in mock executions against innocent Iraqis before leaving the Army and running for congress. He has not even completed his first term yet he has offended millions of Americans as well as his colleagues. He called Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz “the most vile, unprofessional, and despicable member of the US House of Representatives.” And he hired a staffer who excited her Tea Party audience by declaring that “If ballots don’t work, bullets will.”

Now West has added to his resume his participation as a member of the advisory board of the Thomas More Law Center, a notoriously aggressive group of Christian extremists with a record of blatant bigotry. The TMLC supported former judge Ray Moore who was ousted from the bench for violating a federal court order to remove a religious monument from his courthouse. They also brought suits to force schools to teach creationism along side evolution. They challenged the Hate Crimes Prevention Act which was passed after the brutal murders of Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. They tried to force Planned Parenthood to falsely declare a link between abortion and breast cancer. They are virulently homophobic. And they have been amongst the most rabid anti-Muslim organizations in the country with wild assertions that Islam is a hoax disguised as a religion bent on destroying America.

It seems a perfect affiliation for West who shares the same principles. In a press release announcing the appointment, West said…

“What impressed me about the Law Center is that it knows the true threat to our nation posed by radical Islam and it has initiated and funded more cases challenging the Stealth Jihad being waged against our Nation than any other public interest law firm in America.”

That sentiment was captured by West recently when he said that, “When tolerance becomes a one-way street it will lead to cultural suicide.” Let that sink in for minute. What West is saying is that if we encounter intolerance on the part of others and do not thereafter become intolerant ourselves we are committing cultural suicide. So West believes that we should assume the worst characteristics of our enemies. If they are racist, we should be racist. If they torture, we should torture. The problem with that is that when we become as bad as those we are fighting, then what the hell are we fighting for?

Patrick Murphy is West’s opponent for the 18th district congressional seat in Florida. Here is how you can help him defeat West.