Graphic Evidence Of The Bigotry In Fox News Coverage Of The Arizona Supreme Court Ruling

Today the Supreme Court issued its ruling on the controversial Arizona law against undocumented immigrants. It was a partially mixed decision, however, any objective appraisal would have to note that three of the four major components of the law were struck down, and the fourth (the most controversial part requiring law enforcement to inquire as to the legal status of people they have reason to believe are undocumented) was upheld, but severely limited.

Fox News covered this ruling in its uniquely racist way by tailoring the story to different audiences. On Fox News Latino the headline accurately reported that the “Court Strikes Down Most of AZ Immig Law.” However, on Fox Nation they went with the misleading, “U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Controversial Part of Tough Arizona Immigration Law.” Even Fox News was more balanced by saying that “Supreme Court Reigns In Arizona On Immigration.”

Fox News on Arizona Ruling

So once again Fox panders to their Latino audience on the web site aimed at them, while slanting steeply in the opposite direction on Fox Nation, the community of such rancid bigotry that Fox had to close the comments section for fear of the vile postings that frequently occur. Obviously, Fox knows its audience.

Not So Breitbart: The Idiot’s Guide To Obama’s Fundraising

The intellectual reputation (or lack thereof) at Breitbart News took another hit this weekend with an embarrassingly moronic article that attempts to analyze a fundraising appeal from the Obama campaign. It’s remarkable how one’s brain can turn to mush when consumed by an irrational hatred for one’s adversaries.

Breitbart Article

The article, by William Bigelow, was headlined, “Obama Campaign E-Mail: ‘We’re Falling Behind.'” It revealed the contents of an email seeking donations from Obama supporters. Breitbrat Bill surmised from this that…

“The Obama campaign is so frightened at this point that they have taken an unprecedented step. They’re telling the truth.

In the latest of the ‘personal’ e-mails that the Obama campaign is sending out, they don’t sugarcoat their appeal for money with saccharine stories about Obama shoveling snow for his wife, or working hard late into the night. They panic.”

There you have it. The Breitbrat’s proof that Obama is panicking is that his campaign refrained from soliciting donations the way all other candidates do: with stories about shoveling snow. I’m sure you’ve seen a million of them. Instead, Obama’s request focuses on the need for donors to pitch in because…

“For the first time in modern American history, the incumbent (that’s us) will get outspent in a re-election campaign — by some estimates as much as 3-to-1. Over the last 10 days of this month alone, GOP outside groups will spend $20 million attacking President Obama on TV.”

See how desperate they are? They have adopted an approach that warns supporters about the risks of being outspent in an election. They also remind people of the dangerous repercussions of the Citizen’s United ruling that allows wealthy donors and corporations to anonymously give unlimited amounts of money. And they are abandoning the traditional solicitation that Breitbrat Bill must think goes something like this:

“We are up to our armpits in cash and are trouncing our opponents in the fundraising race. Our side has already accumulated a 3-to-1 advantage over the other guy and we have plastered the media with advertising. So even though we have taken to spending our excess campaign funds on gold watches and 4-star hotels, please dig deep and send us more money with which to line our pockets.”

The stupidity of Breitbart’s complaint is nearly pathetic. All campaigns appeal to donors by impressing them with the need to raise funds in a competitive contest and the necessity of staying ahead of your opponent. But this simple truth strikes Breitbrat Bill as evidence of panic. Is this really the best they can do?

Also, here’s a bonus bit of boob-headedness. Breitbrat Ben Shapiro Tweeted this morsel of wisdom yesterday: “And yes, what is happening in Egypt IS largely Obama’s fault.”

Breitbart Egypt Tweet

Of course, Obama, the consummate community organizer, was able to motivate millions of Egyptians to take to the streets in protest against a dictator who had clung to power for 40 years. Then Obama succeeded in forcing Mubarak from office, leading the way to the first free elections in decades for the Egyptian people.

Thanks for giving Obama credit for all of that, Ben. Even though you obviously prefer the former state of tyranny to the free choice of democracy, you are big enough to grant the President the credit he is due.

Mitts And Hisses: Rupert Murdoch Has Lost All Touch With Reality

The allegedly “fair and balanced” Fox News Channel’s patriarch, Rupert Murdoch, has revealed his preference in the presidential contest, as if it was ever in doubt. Yesterday, however, he made it clear that he favors Mitt Romney, even though he’s concerned that Romney isn’t being sufficiently dickish. Murdoch Tweeted:

“Easy for Romney to spell out restoration of the American Dream and bash incompetent administration. But not a word.”

Rupert Murdoch Tweet

There is so much wrong with that brief belch of bluster that it’s hard to know where to begin. Let’s start with the fact that the man who runs the company that hacked into the phones of thousands of people, including politicians, celebrities, and a murdered schoolgirl, has no business calling anyone else incompetent. Especially when that horrific and criminal activity, which has already resulted in dozens of arrests and resignations, was deliberately covered up at the highest levels of the company’s management.

Secondly, Murdoch doesn’t bother to define his notion of the American Dream. Presumably it involves being made a citizen by an act of Congress so that you can buy a television network, rather than having any affinity for the values of the country you are merely exploiting for profit. It certainly does not involve the patriotic principles of shared sacrifice, equality, and justice for all.

Thirdly, It is thoroughly inappropriate for the head of a so-called “news” enterprise to advocate “bashing” a political candidate. Murdoch is, in effect, offering campaign advice to the candidate he supports. But his advice is purely style over substance. He is not helping to shape policy or strategy. Rather he’s pushing the candidate toward more hardball tactics. And for anyone who thinks this is reaching too far, note that this morning on Fox & Friends the cast of cartoon characters who host the show took exactly the same position in a segment that promoted White House critics goading Romney into taking a more aggressive posture against the President. That coordination of themes was just a coincidence, right?

Finally, Murdoch complained that Romney has said “not a word” with respect to the American Dream or bashing the President. Is Murdoch in the advanced stages of Alzheimer’s? That’s pretty much all that Romney has talked about. Can anyone forget his dreamy exaltation of America that nearly made the wrod lose all meaning?

Romney: I believe in an America where millions of Americans believe in an America that’s the America millions of Americans believe in. That’s the America I believe in.

Romney has perfected a sort robotic America worship that can only appeal to an emotionally stunted Tea Partier. His campaign slogan is Believe in America (well, that and We’re not Stupid) And when he isn’t salivating over America, he is berating Obama. Romney has hardly been gentle in his assaults. He routinely castigates the President as a failure, in over his head, and a hater of free enterprise.

All of this makes you wonder how Murdoch would have Romney alter his approach. Romney already avoids substantive policies like the plague – at least those he isn’t flip-flopping around. Does Murdoch want Romney to adopt the dementia of birthers, or the paranoia of those convinced that Obama is a Manchurian Muslim bent on delivering America to the communists? Romney’s entire campaign is already composed of nothing but obsequious pseudo-patriotism and pummeling Obama. Yet somehow Murdoch doesn’t see any of it – or enough of it. That should be a troubling sign to his doctors, his family, and his colleagues at Fox News.

Awash In Scandal, Vatican Turns To The Pros At Fox News For Help

It was announced yesterday that Greg Burke, the Fox News correspondent in Rome, has accepted the position of senior communications adviser in the Vatican’s secretariat of state. The article in the Associated Press notes that the Vatican has been having a number of problems such as “a scandal over Vatican documents that were leaked to Italian journalists,” […] “Benedict’s now-infamous speech about Muslims and violence, his 2009 decision to rehabilitate a schismatic bishop who denied the Holocaust, and the Vatican’s response to the 2010 explosion of the sex abuse scandal.”

When an institution as prominent as the Vatican requires professional guidance through a maze of public relations challenges as steep as these, it only makes sense that they reach out to experts in the propaganda arts. Conveniently, Burke was at hand in Rome and, as a member of the ultra-conservative Catholic prelature, Opus Dei, his accordance with Church dogma is not in doubt.

Presumably the Vatican is confidant that Burke will bring some measure of expertise to his new duties whitewashing the Vatican’s malfeasance. However, Fox News is better known for their prowess in inventing scandals that never occurred (i.e. Birthers, voter fraud, war on Christmas, fast and furious, etc.), rather than in quelling actual scandals. Nevertheless, Burke’s first statements after the hiring suggest that he is precisely what the Vatican is looking for:

Burke: You’re shaping the message, you’re molding the message, and you’re trying to make sure everyone remains on-message.

In other words, Burke will be doing for the church exactly what Fox News has been doing for the Republican Party for years. Which raises a question far more interesting than the one about a Fox News correspondent going to work for the Vatican: What was a member of Opus Dei doing covering the Vatican for an alleged “news” organization for the past ten years? That would be indisputably unethical. It would be fine if he were assigned to farm subsidies or Wall Street, but not the church with which he is so closely associated. That would be like having a top Republican strategist working as a political analyst at a news network.

Oh wait…Karl Rove is already doing that at Fox News. And Fox also employed four prospective GOP presidential candidates in the past year. And they also employ executives who were caught instructing their news staff to slant their reporting to favor Republicans. And they invite Republican politicians and advocates to appear on the air far more often than Democrats or liberals. Mitt Romney alone as appeared on Fox & Friends 21 times in the last year, while appearing only once on any Sunday network news program.

It may be indisputably unethical, but it’s also the Fox News business model. Whether or not it works at the Vatican remains to be seen. However, the Republican Party and the Vatican have much in common. They are both trying to sell stories on faith to ill-informed people who are motivated by fear.

Glenn Beck Has Seen The Finger Of God – Again!

God’s finger must be getting tired. He seems to be spending an inordinate amount of time wagging it at Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck and the Finger of God

Last week at the Freedom and Faith conference, Beck reiterated his claim to have “seen the finger of God.” He said the same thing a year ago to his radio congregation. At that time I speculated that “I think it’s more likely that God is going to reveal his foot to Beck’s ass.” There is some Biblical support for my theory in Deuteronomy 28:27-29:

27: The LORD will smite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with the emerods, and with the scab, and with the itch, whereof thou canst not be healed.
28: The LORD shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart.
29: And thou shalt grope at noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness, and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways: and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore, and no man shall save thee.

These prophesies are being fulfilled already. We hardly need to speak of Egypt and how badly Beck botched that with his delusions of a global Caliphate. The emerods (or hemorrhoids) he has already had, and it nearly killed him. The potential blindness he announced tearfully in 2010. The astonishment, or madness, is self evident. Even his prosperity is being plundered as his television program was axed and numerous radio stations have canceled his show including, most recently, Los Angeles and his new home town of Dallas. [By the way, I don’t buy the unsupported reports of his massive earnings since being cast off of Fox]

Nevertheless, Beck is still insistent that his Heavenly Wi-Fi is connected and he’s getting DMs from the Lord:

“Let me tell you something. I have seen the finger of God. I have SEEN it. I’ve seen miracles happen. Over and over and over. I’ve seen it. Whether you want to recognize it…you go call it a coincidence. You go…God bless you. We’ll have a good laugh when we’re all up in Heaven together. […] You can call it whatever you want, but I’ve seen the finger of God. He is not neutral in the affairs of man. He is not neutral in the freedom of mankind.”

Beck neglects to give any examples of the miracles he has allegedly witnessed. However, we can go back to his Restoring Honor Revival Meeting in Washington, D.C. where he cited a flock of geese flying overhead as a bona fide miracle. By that standard I guess I can presume that God spoke to me overnight because this morning my car was spotted with numerous bird droppings.

It’s not all good news, however, as Beck tearfully warned his disciples that God “is going to withdraw his protection the further we get from Him. He has to.” I’m not sure you can get much further from God than Beck is already. When God flips you the bird, you should regard that as a sign that you have drifted apart. But Beck is probably too blinded by his own divine Narcissism that this, like the miracle geese, will go right over his head.

Gimme A Break: Fox News Is Suddenly Concerned About Being Respectful

Making headlines today at Fox News is story that serves as a shining example of why the world’s champion hypocrites bow before the greatness of Fox.

It seems that Fox News has suddenly taken an interest in promoting civility and respect for national leaders. Well, as long as they are dead Republican candidates for sainthood.

Fox News Bird Brains

Apparently a couple of gay White House guests were compelled to express how they feel about President Reagan, a man who let nearly his entire two term terms in office expire (not to mention thousands of Americans) before he even uttered the word “Aids.” It’s not surprising that some people may have strong feelings about that. Fox, however, thinks that their candid, and indisputably rude, redress of grievances was intolerable and worthy of a front page rebuke.

That’s funny, because Fox doesn’t have any problem with being shamelessly rude when debasing Democrats, including the country’s first female Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Fox Nation Says Pelosi Is Stupid

Both of those items above were posted today. A few weeks ago, Fox used the same photo to call our current president stupid.

Fox Nation Says Obama Is Stupid

So it is clear that Fox is terribly concerned about people behaving with dignity and exercising decorum, particularly with regard to the offices of our highest leaders. And in keeping with that sentiment, Fox Nation demonstrated their news judgment today by posting this at the top of their web page:

Fox Nation - Obama Trips

Yep, that’s surely the most important breaking news story of the day, and a properly respectful manner in which to treat the President. Plus, it saves a lot of time that would otherwise be wasted on actually covering the speech that Obama delivered moments later.

When Will The Media Report That Mitt Romney Is A Pathological Liar?

Steve Benen, writing for the Maddow Blog, has compiled a list of 30 flagrant lies told by Mitt Romney this week alone. It’s an eye-opening collection of falsehoods so egregious that it’s mind-boggling that he has been permitted to get away with it. All Al Gore had to do was be misquoted about his participation in promoting the Internet and his name became synonymous with “stretching” the truth. But Romney seems to have no limit for deliberate deception and he is still taken seriously by the press who should be holding him accountable.

Here are just the first 10 items on Benen’s list:

  1. In an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Romney claimed it’s fiscally responsible to eliminate the entirety of the Affordable Care Act: “It saves $100 billion a year to get rid of it.”

    That’s the opposite of the truth. According to the CBO and other nonpartisan budget estimates, killing the law would make the deficit go up, not down, and would cost, not save, the country hundreds of billions of dollars in the coming years.

  2. In the same interview, Romney said, “I think a lot of people forgetting is there is only one president in history that’s cut Medicare by $500 billion and that is President Obama.”

    Romney says this a lot. He’s not telling the truth.

  3. Romney also said, “I see people holding up signs, ‘Don’t touch my Medicare.’ It’s like, hey, I’m not touching your Medicare.”

    Romney endorsed Paul Ryan’s House Republican Budget plan, which ends the Medicare program and replaces it with a private voucher scheme.

  4. In the same interview, Romney said President Obama has “never had the experience of working in the private sector.”

    Actually, that’s not true. Obama worked at a private-sector law firm before entering public service.

  5. Romney also told Hannity Obama went on “an apology tour” in his first year.

    As Romney surely knows by now, he’s lying.

  6. Romney, trying to talk about foreign policy, said Syria is Iran’s “route to the sea.”

    Iran doesn’t share a border with Syria, and Iran already borders two bodies of water.

  7. At a campaign event in Stratham, New Hampshire, Romney claimed, “Bill Clinton and so many other mainstream Democrats are revolting against the backward direction President Obama is taking his party and our country.”

    In reality, Bill Clinton supports the president’s re-election and recently said a Romney presidency would be “calamitous for our country and the world.”

  8. At an event in Cornwall, Pennsylvania, shared an anecdote about a local optometrist who was forced to fill out a “33-page” change-of-address form — several times — at the post office.

    There is no such change-of-address form.

  9. At the same event, Romney said Obama is “taking away” scholarships and charter schools for “kids in Washington, D.C.”

    This has become a line in Romney’s stump speech, but it isn’t in any way true.

  10. Romney also claimed, “This president has put together almost as much public debt as all the prior presidents combined.”

    That’s a lie.

There are 20 more lies like this in the past week, and Benen has chronicled 22 weeks of further fabrications. This is not the typical behavior of a politician, who can be expected to “interpret” information in self-serving ways, or to waver from veracity from time to time. This is evidence of a clinical psychosis. Romney has been rated as untruthful 54 times by PolitiFact, and 13 of those were “Pants-on-Fire” lies. Is it just me, or shouldn’t this be newsworthy?

Mitt Romney

Politico Reporter Suspended For Telling The Truth: Romney Is More Comfortable Around White Folks

Yesterday on MSNBC’s Martin Bashir program, Politico reporter Joe Williams participated in a discussion about Mitt Romney’s tendency to restrict his public appearances to carefully choreographed events and friendly media outlets. It was noted that he has appeared on the widely reviled Fox & Friends 21 times in the last year. Fox & Friends is an avowedly right-wing mouthpiece for the GOP and a program about which even Fox reporters, producers and executives “roll their eyes” when asked about.

Williams noted that Romney’s preference for Fox & Friends, and similarly partisan settings, was interesting because it was “unscripted and it’s the only time they let Mitt off the leash.” He made the point that for Romeny to be successful he needs to broaden the range of people with whom he interacts.

Williams: Romney is very, very comfortable, it seems, with people who are like him. That’s one of the reasons why he seems so stiff and awkward in some town hall settings, why he can’t relate to people other than that. But when he comes on Fox and Friends, they’re like him, they’re white folks who are very much relaxed in their own company.

That is an objectively true statement. Fox & Friends are indeed white folks and they appear to be very relaxed with one another. It is also true that Romney does appear to be more comfortable with people like himself, and he does exhibit noticeable awkwardness when he tries to connect with average Americans. It is that discomfort that has resulted in his embarrassing himself by saying that he likes to fire people, that his friends are NASCAR team owners, that his wife drives two Cadillacs, that corporations are people, and that he’s not concerned about the poor.

Nevertheless, Politico has suspended Williams for these comments. This is another example of the media punishing people for telling the truth about conservatives. It seems that the only people that are ever held to account are those to whom conservatives object. Earlier this year I documented a list of the “10 People Fox News Should Fire, But Haven’t.” Media suspensions have been handed out liberally (so to speak) to Roland Martin, David Shuster, Mark Halperin, and many others. While right-wing malfeasance is ignored or even rewarded. People like Liz Trotta, Juan Williams, Don Imus, and Lou Dobbs, have managed to escape any repercussions from their bad behavior.

A recent incident involving a reporter from Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller illustrates this blatant unfairness perfectly. Neil Munro rudely shouted out questions in the middle of a presidential address. His inappropriate behavior was widely condemned, even by some staunch conservatives. However, rather than suspension, he was defended by Carlson and held up as an exemplary model of journalism. That’s the difference between the right and the left in the media. The right admires and rewards rudeness and dishonesty, and pays tribute to those who engage in it. The left punishes any hint of impropriety, even when there is no substance to it. All that has to happen is for some right-winger to complain.

As for Romney’s reputed comfort amongst his own people, I defy you find a person of color in this photograph taken from his website (click to enlarge), and then explain who he means by “us.”

Romney's White Folks

The World Class Hypocrisy Of Fox News Puts All Other Hypocrites To Shame

Today’s big story on Fox News was not about some enormously consequential matter that will affect the nation. It was not about health care or Syria or the national debt. The big story on Fox News today was about one of their competitors. It was about Fox executing a self-serving attack on MSNBC. It was this:

Fox News Wawagate

That’s right – Wawagate. This is not a Saturday Night Live parody of Barbara Walters. It is really what Fox considers “news.” The story revolves around a video of Romney that shows him expressing amazement at a touchscreen ordering system at a Wawa convenience store. Fox alleges that MSNBC aired a video of Mitt Romney that Fox says was edited to make him appear to be out-of-touch with average Americans (as if Romney needs any help with that). It isn’t true, as I documented here, but that isn’t the best part of this.

The best part is that Fox is making such a big deal about NBC ignoring the furor over an allegedly misleading video, when Fox itself is ignoring their own video scandal that is thoroughly verified. Last night Jon Stewart exposed the whole scam as it played out on the Hannity Show. So while NBC did nothing wrong, they did at least make reference to the issue on the program where it originated. Fox, on the other hand, has never even acknowledged that a controversy exists. Yet they have the gall to feature a headline like the one above. That’s World Class Hypocrisy.

But that’s not all. Fox Nation also contributed to a string of hypocritical masterpieces. The first being this slander of Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz:

Fox Nation - Liar

OK. So Wasserman-Schultz is a liar because PolitiFact rated one of her comments as false. The rating could well be disputed based on the underlying facts, but let’s not even go there. Rather, let’s just note that Mitt Romney has been rated as untruthful 54 times by PolitiFact, and 13 of those were “Pants-on-Fire” lies. So what does that say about him? And Fox never bothered to report that. For the record, Romney was less than truthful in 40% of the ratings that PolitiFact made for him. His opponent, President Obama was rated untruthful only 28% of the time (with only 5 “Pants-on-Fire”).

Then there was a story about conservative Democrats who planned on staying home in their districts during the Democratic National Convention:

Fox Nation Democratic Convention

Fox is apparently all worked up because a few right-wing Democrats don’t think there is much reason to travel to a convention where the outcome is predetermined, and spending a week, and hundreds of dollars, partying in silly hats. Frankly, I don’t think anyone should go to either Party’s convention. They are just choreographed infomercials that accomplish nothing. However, Fox wants to make a point about these lower tier Democrats staying home in order to imply that the Democratic Party’s unity is fracturing. So you might think that Fox would consider it significant that some members of the Republican Party are still refusing to endorse their putative nominee, including Sarah Palin and Ron Paul (who is even continuing to rack up delegates to oppose Romney). But, nope, no story on Fox.

And saving the best for last, Fox Nation is featuring a shocking story by Fox News contributor Michelle Malkin:

Fox Nation Wildfires

Yep. Now Obama is responsible for wildfires in Colorado. I think Hannity actually saw him in the brush with some gas-soaked rags and a Zippo. What’s more, the explanation proffered by Malkin was that there were too few resources for firefighting equipment and personnel. You know, the very things that Obama has been struggling to get Republicans to agree to funding more of. Romney actually came out against such wasteful big government spending. Did Fox report any of that? What do you think?

If Pulitzer gave out awards for hypocrisy, Fox News would have the category sewn up for years to come. It’s getting so that I can’t even get upset enough to post an angry rant because I’m laughing too hard to type. Sure, Fox is still an evil enterprise bent on subverting democracy, consolidating the power of corporations, and advancing the agenda of the GOP (Greedy One Percent), but sometimes it’s just too hard to take these weasels seriously.

Anatomy Of A Fox News Lie

If you’ve ever wondered about the course of the obvious prevarications that eventually wind up on Fox News, a fascinating example of this process was revealed recently in an affair that involved a Montana congressman and a collection of disreputable players.

In early June, Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-MT), currently the GOP candidate for the senate, accused the Environmental Protection Agency of conducting spy operations with unmanned drones over Montana farmland. He sent the EPA a letter demanding that the practice be stopped, saying…

“The Obama Administration has, once again, stepped way over the line. First they wanted to expand their authority to regulate water, and now they want to use air drones to spy on American citizens. Enough is enough.”

The only problem with Rehberg’s complaint was that there was no truth to it whatsoever. He later admitted that he was wrong, but somehow managed to blame the Obama administration for his mistake. His spokesman issued this statement:

“The Obama Administration rarely reveals its secretive plans to anyone but its closest allies. Since Denny doesn’t vote with the President 95 percent of the time, he must often rely on news reports and constituent input.”

See? If the Obama administration had revealed its secret plan to not do something they would later be accused of doing, there wouldn’t have been any problem. Here is a timeline of the news reports Rehberg cited. Feel free to follow along at home…

  • One of the first references to the non-existent drones came from radio conspiracy theorist and 9/11 Truther, Alex Jones.
  • The next day the New American, a publication of the uber-rightist John Birch Society, posted their own version of the hoax.
  • On June 6, the story was picked up by The Daily Caller, which is run by Fox News contributer Tucker Carlson.
  • That was followed by a piece in Investors Business Daily.
  • And finally, the story bubbles up on Fox News, where it is subjected to even more hyperbole courtesy of host Megyn Kelly.

Megyn Kelly

Kelly: “Even an American terrorist, an American al-Qaida, was killed by a drone. So now you’re in the Midwest, and you know you’re not a terrorist, but nonetheless, you gotta get a little squeamish when you see a drone going overhead.”

The progression of lies through the conservative media is a peculiar and dangerous phenomenon. And the way it is exploited by Fox News demonstrates their overt aversion to factual journalism and objective reporting. They exist for only one purpose: To advance the interests of the Republican Party, conservative extremists, and their wealthy benefactors. They will employ any information and tactics to achieve their ends, no matter how contemptible and illegitimate.