Total Insanity: Trump Says the Supreme Court’s Immunity Decision is a ‘Total Exoneration’

This week the MAGA members of the Supreme Court released their decision on whether or not a president is entitled to immunity for any crimes he or she may have committed. On the surface it seems like a trick question because because how could anyone rationally argue that a president should have license to break the law?

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Donald Trump

And yet, that is precisely what the conservative majority on this Court has said. It is a brazen handout to their Dear Leader, Donald Trump, in order to provide him the absolution of autocrats to ignore any laws that they find inconvenient. And with regard to Trump, that’s a shitload of laws. The degree to which this ruling defiles American principles was spelled out by one of the dissenting justices…

SEE THIS: Justice Sotomayor’s Blistering Dissent to the Supreme Court’s Gift of Immunity to King Trump

As for Trump, his notorious inability to comprehend simple subjects was on display in a comment he posted to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. His celebration of the gift bestowed upon him by the unjust Justices demonstrated once again how pitifully ignorant and/or dishonest he is. He wrote that the ruling was…

“TOTAL EXONERATION! It is clear that the Supreme Court’s Brilliantly Written and Historic Decision ENDS all of Crooked Joe Biden’s Witch Hunts against me, including the WHITE HOUSE AND DOJ INSPIRED CIVIL HOAXES in New York. [and that] I was Totally and Completely Innocent from the beginning of this Giant and Highly Illegal Scam.”

What is “clear” is that Trump has no understanding whatsoever of the law or how to interpret a judicial ruling. There was nothing in the court’s decision that even approached a finding of “exoneration,” “total” or otherwise. Merriam-Webster defines exoneration as: “To clear from a charge of wrongdoing or from blame : declare innocent.”

However, the ruling does not confer innocence on the president/defendant. What it does is to declare that a he or she cannot be prosecuted for any acts that are deemed to have been “official,” a vague term that has no strict definition in the law.

So the decision merely shields a president who breaks the law from prosecution under certain circumstances. It does not declare that he or she is innocent. In fact, that president can admit to being guilty and still suffer no legal consequences. Which Trump has actually done…

SEE ALSO: UH-OH: Trump Just Admitted He’s Guilty of Falsifying Records to Cover Up His Hush Money Payments

Consequently, Trump’s assertion that the ruling “ENDS all of Crooked Joe Biden’s Witch Hunts against me” is manifestly false. All of Trump’s pending indictments (none of which were instigated by President Biden) remain in effect, although some modifications might be necessary to weed out any tangential matters that might be construed as “official.” The vast majority of the charges involve private acts related to his election campaign or his businesses. And even regarding the allegedly “official” acts, they may still be crimes for which he is guilty, even if this preposterous ruling prevents him from being prosecuted.

Trump’s exclamation of exoneration and innocence is typical of his refusal to accept responsibility for his criminality. In his toxically narcissistic mind he is a perfect being incapable of wrongdoing. And, sadly, his cult followers feel the same way. Which emboldens him to commit more crimes that he will say he is innocent of. Yet somehow the media isn’t covering him as the dangerous and mentally deficient candidate.


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Hunter Biden Follows Through with Threat to Sue Fox News for Disseminating ‘Revenge Porn’

Two months ago, Hunter Biden sent a “cease and desist” letter to Fox News demanding that they retract false stories that they have been disseminating for more than a year about President Biden’s son. Never mind that the network never had a shred of evidence to support their libelous “reporting.” Of course, lacking evidence has ever stopped Fox News from lying to smear their political opponents before.

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Fox News, Hunter Biden, Fake News

CNN reported at the time that “Lawyers for Hunter Biden are telling Fox News to correct the record on bribery allegations made by a discredited FBI informant or face a defamation lawsuit.” The letter also “accused Fox of profiting off of a fictionalized show streaming on Fox Nation called “The Trial of Hunter Biden,” and of violating revenge porn laws.”

SEE THIS: Hunter Biden Threatens Fox News with Lawsuit Alleging Defamation and Revenge Porn

On Monday Hunter Biden followed through on his threat to sue Fox News. The lawsuit charges that Fox News engaged in distribution of “revenge porn” and unjust enrichment and intentional infliction of emotional distress. As reported by NBC News

“Hunter Biden is accusing Fox News in a lawsuit of distributing ‘revenge porn’ by broadcasting nude images of him as part of a miniseries that was available on the conservative outlet’s streaming service, Fox Nation. […]

“In addition to the unlawful commercial exploitation of Mr. Biden’s image, name, and likeness, ‘The Trial of Hunter Biden’ unlawfully publishes numerous intimate images (both still and video) of Mr. Biden depicting him in the nude [and that] Fox published and disseminated these intimate images to its vast audience of millions as part of an entertainment program in order to humiliate, harass, annoy, and alarm Mr. Biden and to tarnish his reputation.”

NBC News reports that while Fox News removed the program from their website, they retained promotional reels and clips online, and failed remove the program from third-party streaming platforms.

This lawsuit will add to the legal troubles that Fox News has been facing. They have already agreed to a $787 million settlement for defamation as a result of a lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems. Without even going to trial, that suit revealed the myriad lies that Fox News hosts and guests told about Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged and stolen” from him. The revelations that emerged included emails that showed that Fox knew that what they were reporting were lies while they were telling them. Fox News is also facing a similar defamation lawsuit by the voting software firm, Smartmatic, for $2.7 billion.

MORE HERE: The Fox News 3/4 Billion Dollar Dominion Defamation Settlement is Also a Judgment Against Trump

Hunter Biden’s case against Fox News is pretty solid and, if the network doesn’t settle with him, Biden’s legal team could begin the discovery process. That’s the same process that allowed Dominion to get access to Fox’s internal communications and resulted in a great deal of humiliation for the network and its personnel, including hosts Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and more.

The mounting legal cases that Fox News is fighting will only bring them further financial and reputational costs. And their defense on First Amendment grounds is unlikely to succeed. The First Amendment does not shield them from engaging in defamation, publishing known falsehoods, or disseminating purposefully “fictionalized” stories that contain stolen, private images. Will Fox News cave and settle this suit as well? Stay tuned.


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Justice Sotomayor’s Blistering Dissent to the Supreme Court’s Gift of Immunity to King Trump

After an interminable, deliberate, and unwarranted delay, the MAGA majority on the Supreme Court has finally ruled that convicted felon Donald Trump has some measure of immunity for so-called “official” conduct as president. It was a 6-3 ruling on predictably ideological lines.

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Donald Trump, Constitution

What this means in practice is that the president is now unbound by the rule of law and may commit crimes at will with little to no consequences. In other words, what was once the office of the presidency is now the throne of a king. The court did not so much decide on immunity as impunity. And they did so with an election coming up that could return a recidivist criminal (Trump) to office.

SEE THIS: Don’t Even Try It? Trump Issues Threat to ‘Anyone Considering Doing Anything’ Before He’s Elected

The majority opinion delivered to Trump almost everything that he hoped for. And he thanked them in a series of posts on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social.

However, Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote a dissent that not only shredded the brazenly biased opinion written by Chief Justice John Roberts, it also sounded the alarm for the imminent danger that the nation faces in the event of the election of a president who takes advantage of the new totalitarian license provided by a court whose own members (Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito) are themselves legally and/or ethically tainted. Sotomayor wrote (with emphasis added) that…

“Today’s decision to grant former Presidents criminal immunity reshapes the institution of the Presidency. It makes a mockery of the principle, foundational to our Constitution and system of Government, that no man is above the law. Relying on little more than its own misguided wisdom about the need for ‘bold and unhesitating action’ by the President, the Court gives former President Trump all the immunity he asked for and more.” […]

“The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, and possibly the world. When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.

“Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends. Because if he knew that he may one day face liability for breaking the law, he might not be as bold and fearless as we would like him to be. That is the majority’s message today.

“Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.”

So what now? First and foremost, Trump must be soundly defeated in November. If reelected he has promised to exact “retribution” on his political foes. That means anyone who is less than unflinchingly loyal to him among members of Congress, judges and prosecutors, state officials, business leaders, private citizens, and journalists and media organizations.

Secondly, Congress must act to undo the atrocity that the Supreme Court has imposed. They must pass laws that explicitly hold the president accountable for crimes that he commits. They must reform the Supreme Court by adding new members, placing term limits on them, and enacting a code of ethics with real consequences for violators.

Finally, they should proceed to impeach Trump for the third time. That’s right. There is nothing that prohibits an impeachment for a former president. And if successful in the House, it can proceed to the Senate, giving them another opportunity to convict Trump and forbid him from holding any federal office. That would at least provide some protection from this particular criminal from becoming president again and committing more crimes under the Court’s now rules.


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