Trump Threatens that His Cult Followers ‘Won’t Stand for It’ if He is Sentenced for His Crimes

Now that Donald Trump has secured his place in history as the first and only former president to have been convicted of felony crimes (34 of them), the next step in the process is the sentencing hearing on July 11, that will determine his punishment. Since this is an unprecedented affair, speculation about the sentence swings wildly from a slap-on-the-wrist probation to as much as 20 years.

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Donald Trump, Prison

No one will be surprised to learn that Trump himself has floated a deliberately flagrant lie that he could be sent up the river for 187 years. And as satisfying as that sounds, actual honest estimates tend to lean toward a more lenient penalty, such as a fine or house arrest. Although prison is not off the table, which is surely driving Trump crazy(er).

SEE THIS: What’s Roasting Trump’s Nuts? Jurors Believed Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen, But Not Him

The subject of Trump’s potential sentence came up Sunday morning on Fox News. Trump sat for a typically nerf-ball interview by the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends. After delving deeply into the tediously repetitive ramblings that Trump disgorges at his cult rallies, co-host Pete Hegseth lobbed one right across the plate, giving trump an opportunity send an ominous signal to his glassy-eyed disciples.

Hegseth asked about the possibility that “the judge could say house arrest or even jail.” Trump began his reply with a swing at some false bravado saying that, “I’m OK with it.” Yeah, right! He would be OK with being confined to Mar-a-Lago, rather than playing golf or lavishing in the glow of his devotees at staged rallies in red America. Then he elaborated…

“I’m not sure that the public would stand for it. I think it would be tough for the public to take. You know, at a certain point there’s a breaking point.”

Make no mistake. The convicted felon crime boss is talking directly to his StormTrumpers that he hopes will launch another January 6th style uprising. He would like nothing more than to see violent riots take place on his behalf. No matter what the sentence actually turns out to be. Trump is not warning about a potential “breaking point.” He’s advocating it.

Unfortunately for Trump, he will likely be sorely disappointed. He wanted there to be massive protests outside of the Manhattan courthouse throughout his trial. They never showed up, even after he explicitly begged them to. He had to be satisfied with some lily-livered members of Congress who turned out in their Red-Tie uniforms to prop up their fallen leader. That, however, doesn’t diminish the potential for harm by lone wolf extremists individually or in small groups.

The pathetic impotence of Trump’s unanswered pleas is also reflected in new polls that have been released since his conviction that show him losing significant support among independents and even his Republican base.

Now that Trump has been declared guilty, and his punishment is pending, it was interesting that in this same interview his Fox News pals asked him about the chants of “Lock her up,” that he led during his 2016 campaign against Hillary Clinton. Never mind that she had not been convicted – or even charged – with any crime. But even more interesting was Trump’s reply. He flatly denied that he ever said it. So let’s go to the tape…

That’s typical of the pathological lying that we have come to expect of Trump. And despite that glaring character flaw – and his two impeachments, and adjudication as a rapist, and phony university, and fraudulent charity, and judgment for financial fraud, and multiple bankruptcies, and blatant racism and misogyny – Trump remains the nominee of the Republican Party for president of the United States.

Which says so much about the party and the MAGA media that disseminates its propaganda. Trump and his media and congressional minions are all equally culpable for the damage that they have done and are doing to the nation. But Trump may be right about one thing, although not in the way he thinks: “The public won’t stand for it. There is a breaking point.” And hopefully that breaking point will be November 5, 2024, when Trump and MAGA are finally disposed of.


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2 thoughts on “Trump Threatens that His Cult Followers ‘Won’t Stand for It’ if He is Sentenced for His Crimes

  1. ‘The public won’t stand for it’. His hardcore followers might not. The rest of us would stand for a lifetlime in a solitary wing of Rikers Island.

  2. I wonder what the Secret Service has to say, or do they have any plan as to what to do. Will they send a protection detail to prison with him? Will he get an entire wing of the prison to himself? I do not think that he would last more than a day or two before someone beat the crap out of him!

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